Happy Blade Runner Month, the Future is Now

This last week has been largely occupied by finalising the shortlist for Talos’ scratch night of Hopepunk theatre (also WOW did we get some great submissions for our scratch night!) I found a little time to update the page for Mission Creep with some of the amazingly positive responses we got in October. I’ve got a lot to think about as I tinker with the script in preparation for when we do it all again on December 8th…

But in the meantime, November has filled up with new activities:

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I learned about this in drips and drops over the last year throughout meetings with Cyborphic: Andriana was reconstructing a lost Greek drama, Christos was trying out some new dialogue, had I ever thought about playing a horse…? Now there’s a team and a performance date, and a powerhouse of a script—my god, Melanippe is a woman with no fucks to give. I’m so excited to give voice to her as she head-butts her way through the bullshit. This might be booked up already? Click the button to check.

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I speak on panels now? I’ve never done this, and I’m trying to squash in all my homework now to prepare. Adam Smith is hosting a squad of queer writers to talk sci-fi, and we’re gonna tear it up. I got to meet several of the panel members briefly when they came to see Mission Creep and I’m working my way now through a fantastic little reading list of their stories. Click the button to get booking!

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I was already so proud to know some of the people behind this initiative and now they’ve asked me to be in it! Ceiling Project is championing women creating new musical theatre—this first program is a collection of 5 short musicals in one performance. I started learning the music for it last week and it’s just such gorgeous music. As always, the button leads you to ticket sales—-GO BUY.